UK for Good

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This is what democracy looks like

This is what democracy looks like.

People coming together to give voice to what matters.

The Planet and its People.

Our Prime Minister, Liz Truss, was chosen by 0.1% of the 68 million population of the UK. 

How’s that democracy?

The UK Government itself states that 76% of adults in the UK were concerned about climate change (2020)

Meanwhile our Government resists insulating our homes or committing to renewable energy… which would in fact reduce energy bills and bring energy security.

Instead Liz Truss plans 130 new licences to drill oil and gas fields, and is set to ban solar panels from 60% of English farmland.

These carbon bomb projects, proposed to bring energy security, could take 25 years to pump, so will not solve the energy crisis; only drive us further into climate breakdown and fill the pockets of the fossil fuel giants funding Conservatives into positions of power.

“Unleashing a North Sea drilling frenzy isn’t a plan to help bill payers but a gift to the fossil fuel giants already making billions from this crisis.”

Greenpeace UK’s chief scientist Dr Doug Parr

Working for global capital against the interests of Britain and its people… how’s what democracy?

Clearly our voices are not fairly represented by those elected to manage our future.

Business is sometimes not seen as the place for politics.

But it’s time to be political.

As business leaders, and more importantly, human beings… we have a responsibility to stand against this social and environmental injustice.

“We have to move rapidly. What we do over the next 3 to 4 years, I believe is going to determine the future of humanity"

Professor Sir David King (Feb 2021)
Former Chief Scientific Advisor to the British Government 

The climate and ecological emergency itself is not political.

But our fate lies in the hands of these politicians.

If we let it.

Let’s take fate back into our own hands, and make a choice to do good.

We have the collective power, as business and communities, to create the change our world needs.

Just because the ones who make the rules, serving shareholder primacy, are profiteering from exploitation, and forcing us further from the ecological and social justice we ALL deserve, does not mean we can’t lead and demonstrate a better way.

We must stand up, together, and show that we will put our planet and it’s people first.

And we must demand that our government does the same.

Business Declares, is a coalition of business doing exactly that.

That is what democracy looks like, and it’s powerful.

The need for change, politically, socially, and environmentally, is more important than ever.

We each have a part to play.

So let’s stay connected, listen to each other’s challenges, and unify on what matters- caring for communities and our home planet.

-Poppy Fitzpatrick

Client and Membership

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